How do I customise the subject line and email body for order/quote emails?

When you create an order or quote, Onsight will automatically send you and your customer an email confirmation of your order or quote. You can choose how this email looks by configuring the email subject line as well as the email message body.

Default subject line

If you have not customised your email subject line, then Onsight will send the order/quote email confirmations with the following default email subject lines.

For your company / internal emails (for example your warehouse) the email subject line will be:

New sales order #SO0000000XXX – Name of your customer

For your customer and/or customer login the email subject line will be:

Name of your company: New sales order captured #SO0000000XXX

Custom subject line and email body

You can create your own custom email subject line and email body for your company emails and your customer emails by following these steps:

  • Log in to the Onsight admin console at
  • Click on ‘Setup’ from the left-hand side menu.
  • Click on the ‘Configuration’ menu item.
  • Click on the ‘Order Emails’ tab or the ‘Quote Emails’ tab
  • In the ‘Email Subject’ field you can fill in your custom email subject line
  • In the ‘Email Message’ field you can fill in your custom email message

You can add any text, for example ‘New sales order’ or ‘Order confirmation’.

In addition, you can display specific information that is related to the order or quote. For example, you can display the order number, the customer tied to the order, the name of the person who created the order and the date that the items in the order must arrive at their destination. To display this additional information you need to use specific placeholders and then these placeholder will get replaced by the actual text.

Placeholders for additional information

The list below shows all the possible placeholders that you can use to include additional information in your email subject line and the email body.

ORDERNUM The auto-generated order number
ACCOUNTREFNO The user supplied order reference
CUSTOMER The customer tied to the order
DATE The date that the order was created
DELIVERYDATE The delivery date
NAME Your company name
PAYMENT Specifies the payment type for orders (blank if it is a quote)
SALESREP The user who created the order
TOTAL Total cost of the order
TOTALQUANTITY The total number of products in the order

How to use placeholders in the email subject

Let’s use an example as follows….if you want to configure an email subject line that goes to your warehouse that displays the following information:

New order confirmation: Order #SO000000XXX – Customer name – Delivery date

And, in addition, if you want to configure an email subject line that goes to your customer that displays the following information:

New order confirmation: Order #SO000000XXX

This is how you have to configure the subject line:

New order confirmation: Order # %ORDERNUM% |-| |CUSTOMER| |-| |DELIVERYDATE|

The placeholders that are surrounded by the percentage symbol (%) will be included in both the warehouse email and the customer email. The placeholders that are surrounded by the pipe symbol (|) will ONLY be displayed in the warehouse email. The ability to differentiate the warehouse email and customer email only happens in the subject line, NOT in the message body. 

How to use placeholders in the email message

You can type any text that includes placeholders that are surrounded by the percentage symbol (%). The message body will be the same for both the warehouse email as well as the customer email.
For example:


A new order has been captured for %CUSTOMER%.

Attached please find a pdf copy of this order for your attention.


The %NAME% team

Some additional information

  • On US keyboards, the pipe symbol (|) is on the same key as the Backslash (\) key. This is just above the Enter key and just below the Backspace key. Pressing and holding down the Shift key while pressing the Backslash key creates the pipe symbol on your screen.
  • For the subject line, remember to use the pipe symbol (|) if you don’t want your customer to see the information.
  • You can use the dash symbol (-) to separate the items in the subject line.