How do I set up product availability per customer?

The Onsight app allows you to configure per-customer access for each product. This is ideal for allowing or restricting products for different groups of customers. This prevents your sales reps from selling certain products to specific customers.

Create your customer groups

To set up per-customer product availability you first need to create a new customer group for each group of customers you would like to allow or restrict products for.

  • Log in to the Onsight web console at
  • Click on ‘Customers’ from the left-hand side menu.
  • Click on the ‘Manage Groups’ menu item.
  • To add your very first customer group, click on the ‘Add Group’ button in the center of the screen.
  • If you have added a customer group before, click on the ‘Add New Customer Group’ button at the top of the screen.
  • Enter a name for the customer group.
  • Click on the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Assign each customer to a customer group

For each customer, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Onsight web console at
  • Click on ‘Customers’ from the left-hand side menu.
  • Click on the ‘Manage Customers’ menu item.
  • Select the name of the customer you would like to allocate to the customer group.
  • Click on the ‘Customer Details’ tab. Start typing the name of the customer group and then select from the names provided in the drop-down.
  • Click on the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Set the customer product availability

  • Log in to the Onsight web console at
  • Click on ‘Catalogue’ from the left-hand side menu.
  • Click on the ‘Manage Products’ menu item.
  • Click on the product that you want to configure.
  • Click the ‘Availability’ tab.
  • Uncheck the box for each customer group that should not have access to the product.
  • Click on the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Rules for customer groups and product availability

The default is that all products are visible and available to all customers.

If you create a new customer, that customer can see all products.

If you create a new customer and do not assign it to a customer group, that customer can see all products.

If you create a new customer group assign a customer to it, and do nothing else, that customer can see all products. If you go to the Availability tab for any product, you will see that the customer group is enabled by default. That customer can see this product and all other products. To restrict the customer to a selection of products you need to undo the default permissions for all products.

If you create a new customer group, assign a customer to it, go to a product, and change the Availability settings for that product to true (either via the product admin screen or via the bulk upload tool), that customer will not be able to see this product that you have explicitly denied them to see. If you repeat this process for every single product, then that customer will not be able to see any products.

If you create two new customer groups, assign a customer to both of them, go to a product , go to the Availability tab and untick one group and tick the other group, that customer can still see this product. Even though they are denied permission in one group, they are given permission in another group.

If you have an existing customer that is restricted from seeing a specific product and you then create a brand new customer group and assign the customer to that group, the customer will go from not being able to see the product to being able to see the product. Even though they are denied permission in one group, the new group has permission to see all products.

Related articles:
How to bulk upload per-customer product availability
What are customer groups?
How to set up per-customer pricing
How to set up per-customer discounts