3 tips for a successful sales call

Posted in Sales techniques and processes.

At a time when the word ‘digital’ is dominating practically every aspect of our lives, it’s reasonable to assume that online marketing is ‘in’, while more traditional methods, like cold calling, are ‘out’. Is this true? Actually, no. In fact, while the web is great, it’s not the be all and end all of a successful sale.

Consider that, as a species, humans don’t exactly have the best attention span. The average visitor will spend just a few quick seconds ‘reading’ a webpage. Sometimes, we’ll see better results through direct engagement, although this in itself has its own set of problems.

The concern with sales calls, for example, is that there’s a fine line between a successful and an unsuccessful sales call. Sales reps have just a small window of opportunity to convince a potential customer that their product/service is right for them… and there’s the additional obstacle of not being able to judge body language or read physical cues. So how can sales reps improve the chance of success?

1. Make it Personal

By making just a small change to your standard greeting — from ‘Hello’ to ‘Hello Mrs. X’ — you can significantly boost your chances of a successful sales call. Not only does a customised greeting show you’ve done your research and are invested in the call (as well as giving off a great first impression), it’s also one of the most effective ways to meet the evolving expectations of the average customer. Today’s consumers want a personalised experience; they don’t want to be an invoice number in your records.

2. Be Prepared

Search engine Google talks a lot about what it calls ‘micro moments’; tiny windows of opportunity where a potential customer will take some sort of action towards a conversion. As a sales rep, it’s important that when these micro moments occur, you’re ready to shine. That’s why you should always make sure you have the necessary information to hand, in order to answer any enquiries — even the most unexpected of questions! A mobile device with a sales app installed can be your secret weapon.

3. Smile!

Even if you’re in the midst of a sales call with a potential customer who is proving to be somewhat of a challenge, a positive attitude, polite speech, and a genuine smile can go a long way towards boosting your brand’s image. Yes, even a smile! While potential customers may not be able to see you, there’s a pretty good chance that they can ‘hear’ your facial expressions through your tone. Research shows that a smile can be identified through sound alone, so always try to turn that frown upside down on a call.

And perhaps the most important thing to remember…. Rejections are A-OK! Sure, you may feel a bit down following an unsuccessful call — it’s natural — but these calls are actually an integral part of the overall learning experience. In fact, a first hand understanding of what not to say, can be as beneficial as knowing what to say to potential clients. Prepare, learn, and grow: 3 vital aspects to a successful call.