How can a field sales app improve your sales operations?

Field sales are an essential part of how many companies sell their products. Sales reps are responsible for going out into the field to meet clients and selling to them directly. But without the help of technology, your teams can

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Emotional intelligence: The special ingredient to effective leadership

Effective leadership is the cornerstone of business success. Employees doing their best alone doesn’t necessarily mean it works well for the whole business. People need to work together to ensure outcomes are achieved. This is where leadership comes into play.

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From idea to execution: Considerations for starting a business

Entrepreneurship is an exciting and challenging journey. Yet, it all begins with just an idea, a thought. One of the harder parts is figuring out how to go from an idea to a full-fledged business. Turning an idea into something

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The art of business networking

There’s a common saying that goes around: “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” While there are many debates about the truthfulness of this statement, research into this hypothesis is being conducted. As it turns out, it may

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The makings of an agile business

Adapting to efficiently overcome new hurdles is paramount to maintaining a lasting business legacy. Markets are ever-evolving and new trends and technologies are always disrupting the competitive scene. Agility, in the context of business, refers to the capacity to adapt

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B2B partnerships: Opportunities for growth

In the competitive business landscape, B2B partnerships have become a vital strategy for sustained growth. A business can certainly make it alone in a free-for-all, but with so many players in the game, how is one supposed to keep up?

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Creating recurring value through a subscription model

The subscription business model has changed the relationship between businesses and customers. The shift from sporadic one-time sales to a periodically recurrent sale has proven to be quite lucrative for businesses. Such a model requires its own methodologies though. It

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Circularity in the B2B industry: challenges and opportunities

The concept of circularity has gained traction in many industries in recent years. A circular economy is one in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible. This reduces waste and promotes sustainability. It is circular in

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The impact of remote work on personal and professional development

Within the aftermath of the pandemic, life has been returning to normal with a few changes owing to our collective experiences necessitated by the pandemic. Particularly of note is how the pandemic revolutionised the way that we work. Remote work

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Complacency is a threat to long-term success

When business is thriving and profits are at an all-time high, it can be tempting to stick up one’s feet and relax. After all, the hard work and effort put into getting a business to such a point warrants rest

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