How to choose the right catalogue app for wholesale

Posted in Electronic product catalogues.

Running a wholesale business means you need to be efficient, especially in today’s digital world. One important tool for this is a catalogue app. However, with so many options out there, picking the right one can be tricky.
This article will help you choose the right catalogue app for your wholesale business. We’ll focus on features that meet the needs of both your business and your customers, making the selection process easier for you.

Understanding your business needs

Before you start choosing a catalogue app, it’s crucial to understand what your wholesale business really needs. Think about how big your business is, what kinds of products you sell, and any challenges you might be dealing with. This knowledge will help you find a product catalogue app that matches your business goals – like a guiding compass for making the right choice.

Important features to look out for

Selecting the right catalogue app for your business is a vital decision that can impact your operations and customer satisfaction. With that in mind, let’s explore the features that bring real benefits to your business.

User-friendly interface

When you start exploring catalogue apps, the first thing to check is the user interface. It’s really important that the design is easy to understand and use. Your team and customers should be able to move around the app without any confusion.

Choose an app that makes it simple for your team to handle products. In addition to, also giving your customers a smooth and easy way to browse through everything.

Search and filter functionality

For wholesale products, having a quick and effective search and filter system in your catalogue app can make a big difference. This feature helps your customers easily find the specific products they’re looking for in a large catalogue.

Picture a tool that lets your clients quickly narrow down their choices, making their browsing experience easy, quick and precise. Whether you sell many different types of products or offer a lot of options, a good search and filter system ensures that your customers can find what they need without unnecessary hassle.

Customisation options

Each wholesale business is different from each other, with their own products and branding. That’s why it’s important to choose a mobile product catalogue app that has options for customizability.

You should be able to organise your products in a way that makes sense for your business, and adjust settings to fit your specific needs. A personalised app helps your business stand out and keep a unique identity.

Comprehensive product information

A good catalogue ordering app acts as a showcase for your products. It should provide a platform for comprehensive product information, including detailed descriptions, specifications, pricing, and high-quality images.

The goal is to present your products in a way that helps your customers make informed decisions. A feature-rich catalogue, laden with relevant details, can significantly enhance customer satisfaction.

Mobile accessibility

In today’s digital world, having a catalogue app that works on mobile devices is a must, not just a nice-to-have. Your sales team could be on the go, meeting clients or at trade shows. It’s important that they can use the catalogue app on their smartphones or tablets.

Moreover, many customers like to browse catalogues on their mobile devices, so having an app that’s mobile-friendly gives you a big advantage.

Offline accessibility

Given the differences in internet availability, especially in various locations, having a catalogue app that works offline is really useful. This means important information stays accessible even when there’s no internet connection.

This feature is especially important for sales representatives working in areas where the internet might not be reliable or available all the time.

Customer-specific pricing

Having a catalogue that lets you set personalised prices for different customers provides your business with real benefits. As a wholesaler your pricing strategies may differ whether you give exclusive deals to your loyal, long-term clients or big buyers.

If your catalogue app has this feature like this, it not only makes your sales process easier but also makes the whole experience much better for your clients and sales reps.

Promotional features

In wholesale, promotions, discounts, and special offers play a crucial role in engaging customers and boosting sales. Imagine having a catalogue app that seamlessly integrates these features, letting you highlight these tempting offerings.

It’s more than just displaying product images; it’s about creating a visually appealing catalogue that not only showcases your products but also communicates the added value – the discounts, promotions, and special deals that make your wholesale offerings even more appealing.

Cost considerations

Also, think about how much the catalogue app will cost. While it’s important to invest in a tool that suits your business, it’s equally crucial to make sure it fits your budget. Check the pricing of different apps, including any extra fees for features or services.

Finding the right balance between what the app can do and what it costs is important to make a cost-effective choice for your wholesale business.

Picture a catalogue app where your customers can easily identify and take advantage of ongoing promotions, enhancing their overall experience and encouraging repeat business. The ability to showcase these promotions within the catalogue app not only simplifies the purchasing journey for your clients but also contributes to a more effective and impactful sales strategy.

Using an catalogue app for order-taking

Order management features

A mobile product catalogue app may also make it easy to handle orders. By allowing you to create and process orders right in the app. Look for apps that allow customers and sales reps to place orders, track shipments, and manage accounts without any hassle. When the order process is smooth, it leads to happy customers, building loyalty and encouraging them to come back for more business.

Integration capabilities

Efficiency is key to a successful wholesale business. When looking at a catalogue app, check how well it works with other tools and systems your business uses. If it easily fits with inventory management, order processing, and customer relationship systems, it can make a big difference. This kind of integration helps things run smoothly, reduces mistakes, and boosts overall productivity.

In closing

Choosing the right catalogue app for your wholesale business is a big decision that can impact how smoothly things run and how satisfied your customers are. By figuring out what your business really needs, you can focus on features that make the biggest difference, like easy-to-use features. The aim is to make your operations smoother , support your sales reps, and give your customers an impressive experience. With the right catalogue app, your wholesale business is ready to succeed in today’s competitive market.

Onsight offers a mobile sales app with an in-app catalogue, eliminating the need for paper. Not only that but the app lets you give every customer their own login and set up per-customer pricing rules as well as per-customer product availability. This allows your customers to conveniently browse the catalogue and place orders directly from their mobile devices. Ready to improve your customer experience? Sign up for a free trial.