How to make time for mindfulness

Posted in Personal development.

Mindfulness is everywhere and it’s a proven strategy to reduce stress in everyday lives. More and more business people are making time in their busy schedules each day to include a few minutes of mindfulness practice. Sales reps to senior executives are all practising mindfulness in an effort to become more focused, less stressed, and overall better able to handle tough situations. The benefits are huge and real – studies have shown that regular mindful mediation leads to positive changes in brain activity and increases productivity in the workplace.
Think you’re too busy for mindfulness, think again, here’s how super busy sales reps and managers can carve out minutes each day:

1. A little goes a long way

Starting a mindfulness journey shouldn’t be an overwhelming thought. You don’t have to devout hours a day to this practice. Studies confirm that regular practice in short bouts is more beneficial than irregular practice that takes up hours of your time. As little as 5 minutes of focused mindfulness meditation a day can positively contribute to your overall well-being.

2. Use an app

If you don’t know how to get started in the practise of mindfulness, then an app might be a good idea. There are a range of excellent apps available for both Android and iPhone users such as Headspace, Calm, Buddhify, and Smiling Mind. Search around for one that appeals to you, there are loads of free ones to choose from. Some are less serious than others but the end objective remains the same.

3. Get creative

Some of us are less eager to start the day with exercise, even if it is for stress-busting mindfulness. If your morning routine simply don’t allow for any more things to be done, consider slipping 5 minutes of mindfulness practice in on your bus or train journey. The Simple Habit app includes convenient exercises you can listen to on your way to work. Or, use the few minutes you have while booting up your office computer. Alternatively, pause before you bite into that sandwich at lunch for a few minutes of mindfulness meditation.

4. Inhale and hear the music

If you’re uncomfortable with switching your mind off completely at work, then listening to a song to distract the mind is another useful way to reduce stress. Reward yourself with a 3 minute song break to clear the mind momentarily, and return to your work fully focused. A little truly does go a long way. Take a few minutes to concentrate completely on your breathing as part of your mindfulness ritual to calm frayed nerves and centre the mind.

5. Form a habit

Remember, mindfulness isn’t a magic cure that will make you less stressed within minutes of your first practice. Like exercise, but less exhaustive, you need to do it regularly to reap any benefits. That’s why daily bite-sized doses are recommended for maximum impact to improve well-being, for both mind and body.