Persuasive sales talk guaranteed to win over customers

Posted in Sales techniques and processes.

What you say while presenting your electronic product catalogue can either positively or negatively influence what your customer orders and how they perceive your products. While showing off what you have to offer, use these persuasive tips to ensure your customers order more and keep coming back to you:

Give fewer options

Providing a customer with too many options can often make them feel overwhelmed and then they end up postponing or not making a decision at all. The natural conclusion you would come to is giving customers less options. Even if you have an electronic product catalogue filled with hundreds of items there are ways to ‘reduce’ your customer’s choices to aid them in actually making a choice.

Instead of presenting your entire electronic product catalogue, rather only show them unique categories with related products contained within, and ask them to choose a category based on their needs. This process is called chunking where you take individual pieces and place them into larger units. For example,there is a tremendous amount of things that go along with bicycles and bicycle parts. To make it easier to sift through and digest all of the information presented you can separate them into categories like handlebars, seats, brackets and so forth. The method of chunking is also a well-known method for improving one’s memory.

With the use of chunking the customer can pick products from a specific category whilst at the same time not being overwhelmed with an entire catalogue of items. You are not reducing the content of your catalogue but simply making the size easier to digest. If multiple categories appeal to their needs, focus on one category at a time before moving on to the next one.

Losses weigh heavier than gains

People, no matter who they are, tend to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring gains. Customers will make more effort to prevent losing money than they will to gain money. After all, something that is already ours holds more value to us than something that isn’t ours yet.

To use loss aversion to your advantage when it comes to talking to customers, make them aware of what they will lose should they not make a specific purchase. Continue to tell them what they can gain, but also speak to them about what they are missing out on by not having a certain product in their possession.

Label your customers

Everyone in society is subject to being personally and professionally labelled as one type of person or another. It has been proven that people are influenced by, and their behaviour determined, according to how they are described or classified by others.

When talking to your customer you can label them in a positive way according to how you prefer them to behave. For example, if you want a customer to stick with your company and continue buying from you, label them as loyal or as someone who has superior decision-making abilities. Mentioning these qualities to them while presenting your catalogue can make them more open to purchasing from you. It will also help in securing a continued relationship with your company.

Play the devil’s advocate

Oftentimes a sale is struggling to come to a conclusion during a meeting because the client has concerns or reservations. This is understandable especially in B2B sales where the client’s reputation is on the line when it comes to making the right decision.

You can counteract any doubts by addressing concerns head-on. Oftentimes sales reps will try to shine the light on strengths only, but the opposite approach can also be effective. Admit shortcomings you may have had in the past, don’t shift the blame on others, and show that solutions are being provided or have been rectified in the past. This serves to improve your trustworthiness in the eyes of the client and amplifies any strengths that you showcase afterwards.