Product description pages that work

Posted in Electronic product catalogues.

Did you know that your product description pages play a huge role in the B2B buying journey? Potential buyers get more than half of their information about a product or service by trawling through company websites and looking at their product description pages. This all before they’ve even consulted with a salesperson. So what are B2B buyers looking for on the product description pages of your website?

Descriptions that sell

Product pages need to be clearly worded and detailed. The ones that work are clutter-free, easy to view and engaging. Simplicity is key in these instances. Remember, the product description should not only describe the product but also sell the product. This can often be achieved in a single sentence. Don’t bombard buyers with overly tinkered text and fancy sales lingo. Keep it simple, to the point, and avoid using a string of superlatives such as ‘excellent’, ‘superior’, and ‘high quality’. These so-called buzzwords have been proven to turn buyers away instead of attracting them. Opt out of the buzzwords and rather describe why it would be a good choice to buy the product.

Highlight benefits and features

Display the product features in an uncluttered manner. Bullet points are proven to work wonders here. But don’t only highlight the features. Sell the product by also stating how it can benefit the buyer and improve their life. To make your statements even more believable, rope in some existing clients – a pull-out quote next to a product description can be a very effective way to create confidence in the effectiveness of your product.

Visual appeal

We all buy with our eyes. Your product description pages need to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Here having an electronic product catalogue with a great layout and plenty of professional-looking, clear images is a huge benefit. It is well worth the money to invest in professional photos as investing money in quality images will pay for itself in the long run. Although some merchandise only require one image as illustration, it can be helpful to display images from different angles to show exactly what the product looks like so that the buyer knows exactly what they’ll be purchasing.


A product description page is not complete without a call-to-action. Make sure your ‘add to cart’ or ‘buy’ button is visible and that it is easy to add more than one item at a time. Prices should be up to date at all times, and remember, make it clear when there is a multi-buy offer available. Don’t forget to have your contact details close by for those that need assistance or are still hesitant about your products.

Social proof – testimonials, reviews, and stats

B2B buyers love to do in-depth research on why others have bought your products and what they think about them. Save them researching time by showcasing your most recent reviews alongside a product. Elsewhere on your website you can include informative case studies that share positive buying experiences from existing clients. Prospective buyers like to feel secure in the knowledge that others are currently using your products and benefiting from them. If you have prominent clients doing business with you, they should get a prominent place on this page. This not only further increases buyer confidence but also enhances trust in your company and its products.