Using technology in your business continuity plan

Posted in Business and entrepreneurship.

Is it an absolute certainty that things will go wrong? Hopefully not. Is it a possibility? Yes, especially when you consider the number of events which could occur that would throw a spanner into the works. It doesn’t have to be as worrying about a cyberattack, or as damaging as the loss of premises. It could be something as simple as employee illness or even a forgotten password! Having a solid continuity plan in place can make a huge difference, not only in terms of operations, but in terms of reputation with B2B clients.

While newer technologies are sometimes seen as increasing risk for businesses, it’s important to remember that they also boost the chance of businesses recovering rapidly from a disaster. That’s why businesses are advised to incorporate technology into their continuity and disaster recovery plans.

Here are 2 technologies that can help your business if things go wrong:

Mobile Devices

A mobile device containing useful business apps should be one of the first aspects that businesses consider when creating a business continuity plan. The device doesn’t have to include all essential business data (we’ll get to that later), but it should include both employee and client contact details. This allows you to contact employees and clients to inform them of the situation and provide them with alternative contact information if needed. In terms of data breaches, this is also an opportunity to let your clients know what’s going on directly, rather than them hearing bits and pieces from other sources.

Cloud Computing

When it comes to accessing essential business data that is more complex than contact details, cloud computing is hugely beneficial. In storing data in the cloud, and by using cloud-based apps that do not store data directly onto the computer, it’s possible to access this data anywhere, at any time. This can help with ongoing operations, enabling your employees to adopt a ‘business as usual’ approach from their homes or from alternative premises. This places you in a position to be able to offer a streamlined service to your clients, minimising disruption through off-site backup of important data.

When creating a business continuity plan, be sure to analyse risk within your particular industry, and generate a comprehensive plan to cover vulnerable areas of your business. Remember to include your employees when drawing up the plan, and ensure the plan is accessible to all members of staff.