What should B2B small businesses do with customer feedback?

Posted in Marketing and social media.

Many small businesses already know that customer feedback isn’t just important in B2C environments, but in B2B environments, too. According to the recent studies, B2B reviews are amongst the most vital information buyers use when making a purchasing decision.

However, B2B buyer feedback is only as valuable as you make it. In fact, collecting feedback has very little benefit in terms of business growth and development unless this feedback is utilised in a way that provides businesses with practical information that they can use as a foundation for advancement.

So, just how can small businesses use B2B buyer feedback to their advantage?

1. Publish user-generated content

Content marketing is one of the most effective methods of expanding digital reach and boosting online visibility, yet many small businesses lack the internal resources needed to publish content on a regular basis. The good news, however, is that more and more importance is being placed on user-generated content; content created not by the business, but by its customers. User-generated content instils trust, and at a time when B2B buyers don’t trust vendors 100%, this has never been more important. B2B feedback in the form of product/service reviews can easily be published as user-generated content on your website.

2. Create case studies

Positive B2B buyer feedback can be used as the building blocks of customer case studies, providing you with a chance to not only demonstrate your previous successes but also highlight some of the companies that you’ve helped to provide solutions for. Feedback can be used to summarise the buyer’s initial concern, and outline your road map to delivering a product or service that met the client’s needs. Should any negative feedback be received, this can also be worked into the case study, showing that obstacles where experienced along the way but that an effective solution was quickly put into place.

3. Enhance customer engagement

While it’s tempting to brush negative feedback under the rug, there is actually a much more valuable use for it. Small businesses should acknowledge all feedback, even embrace it. Research actually shows that B2B buyers don’t want to read reviews that are completely positive. In fact, more than half want to see a healthy mix of the good and the bad, according to the reports B2B buyers and sellers. Use negative feedback as an opportunity to adapt and tailor your processes, showing your customers that their needs have been taken onboard and boosting engagement with your audience.

In their “How B2B companies talk past their customers”report, McKinsey & Company have suggested that there is a significant gap between what messages B2B providers are sending to their customers, and what messages B2B buyers want to receive. Ultimately, no matter how you choose to manage and utilise your B2B customer feedback, the most important aspect is that this feedback contributes to the narrowing of this gap, providing a more seamless customer experience as well as helping to strengthen the relationship between B2B buyers and B2B sellers.