Now playing: Top podcasts for B2B salespeople

Posted in Marketing and social media.

If you’re a field sales rep, you most likely spend a lot of time travelling. The time spent travelling may seem like wasted hours. But what if you can turn it into an opportunity to grow your sales skills and provide yourself with continuous sales training without having to attend workshops.

Podcasts are a convenient way in which to increase your sales knowledge and keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends. It’s hands-free which means you can listen and learn while driving, or simply plug in your earphones when using public transport.

Take a look at the top 6 podcasts we think any field sales rep should be listening to right now:

RainToday’s Sales Tips and Techniques

This weekly podcast is produced by the RAIN Group, a company involved in sales training and sales consulting. Their podcast has been going on since 2009 and focuses on improving the sales skills of sales reps and managers. Experts talk about lead generation, negotiation, referrals, email marketing, communication and more within a formal and corporate environment.

The Brutal Truth h2ut Sales and Selling

The host of this B2B sales podcast, Brian Burns, has decades of experience in enterprise software sales and aims to deliver sales advice in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner. The focus here is The Maverick Selling Method taken from Burns’ book with the same name. There are an immense amount of topics covered, which include cold calling, spin selling, B2B marketing, SaaS, sales leadership, LinkedIn and strategic selling.

The Advanced Selling Podcast

Hosted by B2B sales training veterans Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale. They share their strategies, tips and tricks to help salespeople grow their skills and to create individual sales success. It is not a formal or stuffy podcast, but rather funny and quirky with personable hosts. Topics range from pricing and buyer resistance to brand positioning and psychology.

The Sales Evangelist

Donald Kelly got his name as the Sales Evangelist because of his passion for the sales industry and the techniques that have made him successful. He is currently a sales professional that sells software so he has plenty of real-life experience to back his advice up. His podcast includes interviews with the best sales, marketing and business experts, and has a very modern feel.

The Sales Blog Podcast – In The Arena

Anthony Iannarino, the host of In The Arena and international speaker, has been providing insightful sales advice on The Sales Blog since 2009. His podcast provides the same type of knowledge available on his blog, with a mix of interviews with world-class sales leaders and authors. The podcast is great for gaining understanding of the newest strategies in sales, and learning what the experts do to create success.

The Accidental Creative

This podcast doesn’t deal specifically with sales or business so it might seem strange that we have included it here. However, harnessing creativity is a skill that is valuable in any industry including sales, and this podcast tells you how to cultivate an inspirational attitude in your daily life (including at work). The podcast features interviews with creatives and authors who give advice on a wide range of subjects such as productivity, the habits of successful people, idea creation and activation, and much more.

Perhaps also take the time to read the book “The Accidental Creative” by Todd Henry that inspired the podcast as well as blogs and workshops.

Using the Onsight mobile sales app makes your life as a salesperson even more hands-free. Those large, cumbersome paper catalogues are replaced by an all-encompassing electronic product catalogue on your tablet or laptop. One device for placing orders, creating quotes and even listening to the above-mentioned podcasts on your way to your next client!