Personal growth practices for small business owners

One of the biggest factors affecting the success of any small business is the team that is carrying it. This team should be developing themselves to make sure they meet their professional goals consistently. This personal development helps them build

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Sales careers: what’s your path to success?

In some careers, there is a very clearly defined path to achieving the ultimate goal. In medicine, for example, US doctors move from interns to residents to attending physicians; UK doctors move from foundation to core training to speciality registrars.

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Improve your sales skills with online courses

The sales world is constantly changing. That’s why salespeople should always be on the lookout for new professional development opportunities, enabling them to continue performing to the best of their ability throughout this fast-paced industry’s evolution. The situation is the

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How to ask for a pay rise

For the past few years, we’ve seen many instances where consumer prices have increased much more rapidly than the average salary. Unsurprisingly, this has left some of us concerned about future financial stability, and questioning how we can be sure

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Should you work towards an MBA?

There are many avenues of professional development available for both employees and business owners, with one of the most renowned being an MBA. The Master of Business Administration qualification was first launched as a postgraduate offering in the United States,

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How to create a motivational home working environment

The amount of people choosing to work from home is steadily increasing, with technological advancements meaning that many duties can now be completed remotely without the need to venture into the office. Remote working is highly desirable for many, removing

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It is never too late to change careers

Feeling unhappy, undervalued, or insufficiently challenged at work? Then it could be time to consider a change – even if you’re older. It’s never too late to think about changing careers and trying something new. In fact, the amount of

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How to set a career goal… and stick to it!

Goals change. It’s a natural part of life. After all, as we grow, as we develop, as we understand more about ourselves, and as we learn new skills, it’s normal for us to change what it is we want to

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Unhappy at work? Bring new life to your job

More than half of us claim we’re unhappy at work. If you dread going to work every morning, then it could be time for a change… but that doesn’t always mean checking out the latest job listings. In fact, if

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Could these 4 skills boost your sales career?

We all know that sales representatives need to be able to exhibit some pretty specific qualities and skills in order to be successful at what they do. A good sales rep will typically be great at communication, will excel at

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