Working 9 to 5: Is it still a way to make a living?

‘9 to 5’: working hours so famous they wrote a song (and even a movie!) about them. The 9 to 5 has, of course, been the standard for many years. Recently, however, the highly structured work day — the act

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Sales compensation plans: the basics

In this guide we try to cover the basic concepts in sales compensation that might not be familiar to managers or business owners who come from a non-sales background. Pay: It’s one of the most important factors – if not

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A closer look at employee retention in sales

Employees moving on to new workplaces, and hiring new staff, are both a natural part of business operations. In fact, the average company will typically see a 15% per year staff turnover rate. However, retention is notably better in some

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Is your workplace culture affecting your sales performance?

As many businesses will know, a happy employee = a successful employee. In fact, research suggests that happy employees are 12% more productive than their less happy counterparts. Ensuring that employees are content in their roles all comes down to

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How to build a great sales team

We all know how to build a sales team; it’s simply a case of having the right people, in the right place, at the right time. However, while this creates a team, it doesn’t always create a great team, and

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Sales rewards to boost end-of-year sales

Sales rewards or incentives are oftentimes great motivators to boost end-of-year sales. It can also be a fun way to engage with your sales team and to boost end-of-year morale. Here’s some creative and fun sales reward ideas from the

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Self-care tips for business owners and managers

Ambitious business plans often hamper the best self-care intentions. An excessive workload, fuelled by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle all adds to heightened anxiety, stress and the dreaded middle-aged spread. While businesses are putting more emphasis on employer well-being, when

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Three quick ways to boost B2B productivity

The B2B industry is finding themselves in ever challenging territory. With customers having instant online access to a myriad of information relating to your business, from customer service ratings to product specs and bundle offers, there really is no room

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Easy ways to improve employee well-being

Absence due to illness costs businesses huge amounts of money each year. For this reason employee well-being should be a priority no matter how big or small your business is. Employee well-being is more than just having good Health and

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Hiring sales reps – what to look for and where to find them

Your sales team is the life of your business. They are the key driving force behind your success. Their ability to turn leads into sales has a direct effect on your company’s profit margins. When it comes to hiring new

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