5 top tablets for sales reps

  Have you noticed that some people can’t seem to put their iPad down? Well, who can blame them? Mobile devices have never been more important; not only in our personal lives, but in our professional lives, too. In fact,

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Weird apps that’ll amuse almost anyone

With so many people now able to have easy access to advanced technology, strange and sometimes useless apps are bound to pop up on app stores. Here are just a few examples of these unusual apps— download if you dare!

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Top 7 TED talks on technology

TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a non-profit organisation that seeks to provide people with a deeper understanding of the world while simultaneously providing free knowledge on a range of topics across all cultures. Its most popular initiative is TED

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The green computing movement

Green computing may seem like something only hippies would dream of becoming involved with. But it is something that everyone should and can implement today since all of us are making use of technology on a daily basis in both

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Protect your small business against cyber attacks

Think it’s only huge multi-billion businesses that are under cyber attack? A recent study showed that small businesses are under increasing threat from cyber criminals. It found that 42 percent of small businesses that have suffered a cyber attack lost

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Apple wows with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus

On September 7, Apple officially announced the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus at an exclusive keynote event. So what’s the big fuss? Even though rumours have been going around about it for a while, the event confirmed that the

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Useful cloud services that help reduce costs

There are many cloud service providers ready to help your business with all its cloud computing needs. Let’s have a look at who can do what for you:   Cloud storage services   There are a myriad of cloud storage

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Apps for sales reps to boost productivity and efficiency

What does every travelling field sales rep need to keep them motivated and upbeat on the road? There are a myriad of useful apps from the obvious note-taking apps such as OneNote, Evernote and Todoist, to business savvy apps such

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Tapping into the power of tablets at trade shows

Tablets and mobile devices are popping up everywhere. From tapping in at the doctor’s surgery to registering at sports events, mobile devices are being utilised in all spheres of life. Whether in static positions or on the move, tablets and

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The top two reasons to use a mobile sales app

When it comes to using a mobile sales app different salespeople use it for different reasons. Some might use it as an ordering app only, while others use it as a marketing toolkit. Here are two top reasons why some

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